Sunday, March 21, 2010

Important Update!

March Committe: Haiti bracelets are in! Be expecting to be in contact with Meghan Anderson about getting bundles to hand out to the rest of the NHS members.
All Members: Be on the look out for an announcement about when you can pick up your Haiti bracelets to start selling! Remember, you can make back points by selling more bracelets! 5 bracelets = 1 point

In the upper left corner of this blog is a link to the Event Points, please check out that spreadsheet to see if you have any demerits. If you do PLEASE get those made up ASAP. The induction ceremony is coming up in May so your time to make up those points is running out!

For April, you have 2 options. You can EITHER participate in highway cleanup (50-60 of you) on WEDNESDAY, April 21 at 5:30 PM OR the Gale Woods clean up (25-30 of you) on SUNDAY, April 25 from 1-5. At Gale Woods you will be planting and getting the barns ready.
If you are planning on participating in highway cleanup, there will be a sign up sheet for you at the next meeting.
*** If you are planning on helping at Gale Woods, you will be getting a FREE t-shirt and I need your t-shirt size by THIS FRIDAY, MARCH 26! Please just text me at 925-270-6722 with your size and I will sign you up for the event and record your size. Also, if you plan on participating in this event and you are under 18, you must get a permission slip signed. Talk to Morinville to get this permission slip.***

I know this is kind of confusing and a hassle, but please keep in mind it's for a good cause to help our community and Gale Woods is a great addition to the west metro area that would greatly appreciate our help for spring cleaning!
Thanks again everyone!


Thursday, January 14, 2010

December and January Meetings (12/9 & 1/13)

Hey guys,
Sorry I haven't updated in a while.

Here's a couple things to know from December's meeting, in case you missed it:

  • We earned about $3,000 from Poinsettia sales. Thank you to all who sold!
  • There are still some January slots open, so if you've missed any meetings please sign up for an extra day.
    • We'll know if you did an extra day from your name on the sign up sheet, so if you're doing an extra ice rink duty you don't have to fill out one of the extra credit sheets
January's Meeting:

  • PLEASE be sure to sign up for a time to help the janitors after school if you are able! The sign up sheets are either on the NHS board or in Cordie's room. The work will not be disgusting or anything, it'll be dusting the trophy cases or something like that that the janitors don't have time to get to often. Your help would be greatly appreciated!
  • Keep checking back on the NHS board for the February Ice Rink sign up sheet to be posted and remember to sign up for at least one shift that month! If you missed a meeting or you can't help the janitors clean, please sign up for more than one shift.
  • The January and February committees met to plan their respective free skate nights. January's will be this Monday, Jan 18 from 2-4, all are welcome. February's will be Monday, Feb 15 from 2-4. If you are in the Jan or Feb committees and were not at the meeting, PLEASE talk to your chairs to see what your job is. Everyone from each committee should help out with this!
  • Also, February is conferences month and NHS will have their usual book/bake sale. The February committee is in charge of organizing most of this. They will need additional volunteers to help bake cookies and other food for the sale. PLEASE REMEMBER TO BRING IN GENTLY USED BOOKS to Morinville. Old English class books are popular and any other books you're willing to donate would be greatly appreciated. Please get those in by next month's meeting.
  • Finally, NHS is making a directory. It was not available at this past meeting but it should be ready very soon. This directory is to be used to send out mass reminders (from me) about NHS meetings and events. Also, this makes YOU responsible for finding someone to take over your shifts if you have a prior commitment. The directory should be used to make the lines of communication between members freer so everyone can connect if they need to.
Thank you to everyone who came and, those of you who missed, please be sure to make it up by doing an extra rink shift or helping the janitors on an extra day. Please remember, everyone, to sign up to help with the janitors and to sign up for February ice rink dates. Please try to attend the free skate days on Jan 18, and Feb 15. Tell your friends!
Also, don't forget to bring in books for the book sale. If you would like to volunteer to bake, please talk to either me or Sandy Morande.


Calendar of Events